Next Generation
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Vacation Bible School
Youth Group
Sunday School
Senior High Bible Study
Zion Lutheran Daycare is committed to sharing God’s love with the children and families of our community. We provide a safe, happy, nurturing environment for the children who are trusted to our care. Our center is licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. We offer care for children six weeks to twelve years old. We meet the needs of busy family schedules offering hourly, daily and weekly rates. We offer before and after school care.
Hours are 6:15am – 5:30pm.
Youth Group
Senior High Bible Study
Youth grades 9-12 meet with our Adult Bible Study Class at 8:00 am Sunday mornings.
Vacation Bible School
Hey Kids and Parents: Like to sing, play games, and make crafts??? Children going into Kindergarten through 6th grade….We invite you to our new and absolutely amazing VBS July 9, 10, & 11. from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Supper will be provided. Bring a friend and show them how exciting VBS is at Zion!!! register online for the 2023 summer VBS at
Sunday School
Zion Hosts Sunday School every Sunday morning (mid-September to mid-May) from 10:15-11:00 a.m. Grades 3-K through 8 learn about God’s love through the Old and New Testament stories and song. See you Sunday!!!
Zion’s Catechism classes begin in fifth grade and go through eighth grade. Students will be working with their family, other Christians, and Pastor to discover God’s plan of salvation for you through His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.